Think you have to attend medical school to understand the basics of Neuroanatomy? Think again!
Listen to this episode to learn about the basic structures of the neuromuscular and nervous systems. The information provided in this episode will:
1. Provide healthcare providers with an easy review and give them some ideas of simple ways to teach your patients about the nervous and neuromuscular systems
2. Help community members gain a better understanding of their bodies
3. Show how a basic understanding of the anatomy can help explain why symptoms of a stroke, spinal cord injury or Multiple Sclerosis (as examples) may manifest differently for different people
4. Help you to be a better self-advocate for your healthcare and rehabilitation

Helpful Links
Spinal Cord Anatomy: Neuroscience Online--UT Health and McGovern Medical School
Functional Neuroanatomy: University of British Columbia (check this out if you are ready to geek out on some very cool neuroanatomy models with great detail):
Functional Areas of Brain: Austin Peay State University: